The implementing party of the Hippocrates’ project is the “Distretto Tecnologico Micro and Nano Sistemi”. The Distretto Tecnologico Micro and Nano Sistemi Sicilia (here belove referred as “District Consortium”) is part of the 25 Districts promoted by the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), in cooperation with the Sicilian Regional Government, as part of the National Research Programs. The consortium is composed by 24 Members of which 11 are private companies and 13 are public institutions. The mission of the District Consortium is to aggregate different partners, to promote the development of new infrastructures and technology platforms in the field of Micro and Nano systems, and to create new business opportunities in the Italian Region of interest. It works as no profit organization and aims to:
- promote, present and manage research projects
- participate, in collaboration with third parties, in research and development
- achieve synergies among Universities, research centers, and the regional entrepreneurial system
- train highly qualified research staff
- act as a center for the collection and dissemination of information and technical proposals
- promote the image of the shareholders in national and international level.