Smart Health 2.0
Development of technology components for reliable applications, efficient and able to face social challenges and market segments.
Smarth Health 2.0 is a project financed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) through PON R&C (National Operative Programme “Research and Competitiveness” 2007-2013). The project aims at promoting the innovation of the Health System by developing ICT technologies which may allow the development of new services of digital healthcare and a better territorial planning of its resources.
Responsabile Scientifico
Ing. Matteo Melideo
Project Manager
Ing. Salvatore Frisella
Soggetto Capofila
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa
Numero Soggetti Partecipanti
Totale Costi
€ 44.800.000,00
Data Inizio
Data Fine
34 Mesi