Smart, secure and inclusive communities
Places where investing in human and social capital, in traditional infrastructures (transport) and modern ones (ICT) promote better quality of life, sustainable economic growth, conscious management of natural resources involving citizens actively.
“Smart city” is the password used to refer to issues concerning ways to improve the cities we live in. The challenge to make them liveable, in fact, involves applied Intelligence of Things, making everyday life simpler. The first example which comes to mind when we think about the chaos of everyday life in cities is for sure traffic and with no doubt one of the first fields in which intelligent technologies is to be applied is that of sustainable mobility. Using “big data”, for example, enables to create integrated systems (software e hardware) which may supply information in real-time to improve the traffic and itineraries of public and private means of transport, or monitor the environment and pollution by activating automatic systems which control traffic lights, car parks, temporary closing of roads etc.
Another issue is of course safety both of places (public buildings, working environments, schools, facilities, infrastructures etc) and of people (crime, terrorism, insane behavior etc). As for the first, it requires monitoring systems spread over the territory able to analyse for instance the state of buildings and infrastructures (roads, bridges, etc), detecting any structural issues in order to prevent collapsing in case of earthquakes or violent atmospheric phenomenon. Networks of sensors which, installed in different areas, may supply information continuously and in real-time. Similar systems may be applied to regulate water outflow and to control water pressure or to monitor the state of health of public green areas. As for the latter, instead, systems which are able to exploit the Internet of Things could be useful, collecting and processing data from, for example, security cameras, which are now widely used, in order to put them at disposal of the police, reporting immediately any situation of danger (fires, fighting, theft and robberies). In both cases it is necessary to have systems which may collect and process large quantities of data in real-time and provide quick solutions to whoever has to make a decision (reporting, for example, any danger near schools, hospitals, churches etc).
Hippocrates formazione
Formazione di tecnologi esperti in micro e nano tecnologie abilitanti nel settore dell’”healthcare”
Plast_Ics ricerca
Elettronica su plastica applicata ai dispositivi per il monitoraggio degli alimenti
Plast_Ics formazione
Formazione di tecnologi esperti nella progettazione e modellizzazione di circuiti integrati su supporti flessibili
Di Rete
Distretti tecnologici della Sicilia in rete per l’innovazione ed il trasferimento tecnologico
Smart Concrete
Tecnologie per il monitoraggio strutturale interno di edifici e opere civili
Smart Healt 2.0
Sviluppo di nuovi servizi di sanità digitale e programmazione territoriale delle risorse